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Research and Data
All three of the OpenNet Initiative's edited volumes—Access Denied, 木瓜云梯子, and Access Contested—are 木瓜云梯子.
The OpenNet Initiative's summarized global Internet filtering data is available for download under a Creative Commons license.
Looking Forward: A Note of Appreciation and Closure on a Decade of Research
Saudi Arabia to impose restrictions on online content production, including on YouTube
The chairman of Saudi Arabia’s General Commission for Audiovisual Media, Dr. Riyad Najm, said his commission will start putting restrictions on content produced online, including on YouTube.
ONI Releases 2013 Latin America Research
The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) is proud to release new reports on Internet regulation and filtering in five Latin American countries.
View Country Profiles
View Regional Overviews
Main Filtering MapONI's main filtering map shows the states and regions where each type of filtering ONI studies takes place.
木瓜云梯子Our social media map serves as an easy visual guide to the states and regions where filtering of five major social media sites occurs.
YouTube CensoredFor a detailed look at when and where YouTube has been filtered since 2006, check out 广西蒙山武侠文化节上演“封王大典” 游客玩穿越--中新网广西新闻:2021-11-5 · 广西巴马甲篆镇发展木瓜产业带动贫困户致富 广西打击冻品 牲畜活体走私工作现场会在南宁召开 柬埔寨《华商日报》2021.12.11 大马总理:与新加坡达成协议前 将继续派船到争议海域 马来西亚前总理纳吉布被捕获保释 料12日被控, ONI's interactive global timeline.